Marco Legal Seguridad Vial Colombia

The authority with which the registration takes place shall technically examine the content of the strategic road safety plan, comment on the adaptation of which it forms part and approve the plan by issuing an authorisation plan verifying the implementation of the abovementioned plan by means of inspection visits recorded in a register. These visits must be carried out at least once a year in each establishment.~o~ Below you will find links to the websites of the reference points in the field of road safety. These pages contain very useful information and can serve as a reference when considering the implementation of a strategic road safety plan in the enterprise: given the need to approach public road safety policy according to the standards recommended by the Decade of Action for Road Safety, it should be migrated to a model developed through a technological framework. Integrate institutions, organisations and companies with transport authorities in measures under the five pillars of the National Road Safety Plan. It is expected that new initiatives will aim, for example, at promoting the inclusion of technologies that help control vehicle movements, change driver behaviour, improve the attitudes and behaviours of all road stakeholders who are part of the organisation. It also provides for the creation of incentives or distinctions for the implementation of the VSEP for companies and officials of official bodies at national and territorial level in the field of road safety. ARTICLE 20 INCENTIVES FOR COMMITMENT TO ROAD SAFETY. Institutions, organisations or companies that are strongly committed to improving road safety problems benefit from tax incentives or public procurement. The state government regulates the matter. Local authorities will define the declarations according to the road safety context. PARAGRAPH 3.

Road safety education training curricula are implemented in all public or private educational institutions offering pre-school, primary and primary levels of primary and secondary education at school immediately after the publication of road safety education curricula by the national government. Decree 2851 of 6 December 2013, „which regulates Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18 and 19 of Law 1503 of 2071 and establishes other provisions, provides in paragraph of Article 10 that the Ministry of Transport publishes the methodological guide for the development of the strategic plans of the institutions, Organizations or companies in the field of road safety. The company must establish policies and promote the use of seat belts in vehicles, in relation to what is defined in the legislation and taking into account their application on internal and external routes. ARTICLE 11 SOCIAL SERVICE IN THE FIELD OF ROAD SAFETY. Public and private educational institutions will include optional road safety education in the educational project, which will allow students in the two (2) years of secondary education to perform compulsory social service. ARTICLE 21 ROAD ACCIDENT CARDS. All local authorities will produce a road accident map to identify key points where public intervention is needed and strategies to improve identified road accident rates. Guide for the development of commercial and institutional strategic road safety plans mandated by Law 1503 of 2011 and Decree 2851 of 2013, through which the public and private sectors are actively linked in the prevention of road accidents and the improvement of road safety in the country. The creation of the Road Safety Committee or the Strategic Road Safety Plan Committee, which designs, defines, programs, manages, etc. all aspects necessary for the implementation of the PESV referred to in Law 1503 of 2011 and Decree 2851 of 2013.

will be a strategic scenario in the participatory process for the planning and execution of the different phases of the plan.~o~ Gather information: In this phase, it is recommended to consolidate in itinerey en misión the information that makes it possible to obtain an overview of the company`s road risks. A format for collecting this information is proposed below.