Www Celular Legal

Another action that can be taken is to check if the IMEI number displayed on the screen of the mobile (to find out what the IMEI number is, just enter the code *#06#) is the same as the one displayed in the box of the device. 1. A través del enlace www.arcotel.gob.ec/homologacion en la opción „TU CELULAR LEGAL”. 2. Directly through the connection, tucelularlegal.arcotel.gob.ec new devices with irregularities will be prevented from accessing Brazilian mobile networks. In this case, the device is not accepted by Anatel or has been tampered with. In general, it is not possible to correct the irregularity and the consumer must contact the professional entity that made the sale. If the device has the Anatel seal, but the consultation detects an irregularity, it is advisable to seek technical assistance from the manufacturer to analyze a possible alteration of the device. In certain cases of alteration of the device, the responsibility of the manufacturer can not be engaged. São adulterações feitas com o consentimento ou pelo proprietário do celular e que implicam na perda de garantia.

Além disso, se você consultou o IMEI do aparelho celular e foi informado da existência de algum problema, saiba o que mais fazer em cada situação: Dear Carlos: According to current regulations, it is the responsibility of subscribers to report the theft, loss or theft of it to the merchant with whom a particular device is registered. In return, operators must receive and register their report, so that within a maximum period of 30 minutes, the service is suspended and, in turn, the terminal and the reported SIM card are blocked. Remember that the operator you are contacting must be the one where you activated the line you were using on the computer at the time of the flight. Before blocking, the operator will ask you several questions to check if you are the person who used the device. If the operator does not receive your request, please enter your request in the following online form: www.gob.ec/arcotel/tramites/presentacion-reclamos-denuncias-sugerencias-solicitudes-informacion-servicios-telecomunicaciones Please describe all details: date and time of attention, type of attention (face-to-face or call center), if it is face-to-face, describe the place you visited, name of the person, you visited, or # of the treatment room. Finally, you can check the status of your mobile phone by entering the IMEI on the following webpage tucelularlegal.arcotel.gob.ec/tucelularlegal/ in the „Check IMEI Code” section. O Projeto Celular Legal é composto por uma série de ações educativa e preventivas, buscando conscientizar a população pra que, no futuro, utilizem apenas celulares certificados ou com certificação aceita pela Anatel. Now, the Legal Cellular project is entering a new phase: in addition to strengthening public awareness measures about the importance of using certified devices, the irregular device prevention phase will begin, allowing the use in mobile networks only of devices approved or certified by Anatel. This is a device in which one or more technical characteristics have been modified without the consent of the manufacturer. Unofficial changes may affect mobile network compatibility, quality of service and user safety, and may result in loss of warranty. It should be checked whether the mobile phone has been issued or accepted by Anatel, via the certification and approval system – SCH. In addition, it is important to ask for the invoice and warranty period.

A legal mobile phone is a certified or certified mobile phone accepted by Anatel that has not been tampered with and is not prevented from being stolen, stolen or misplaced. En TRÁMITE EN LÍNEA DE HOMOLOGACIÓN, se puede ingresar solicitudes de homologación de teléfonos celulares y demás equipos de telecomunicaciones, trámite gratuito. Legal mobile phone is any mobile phone certified or certified by Anatel that is not tampered with or prevented from being stolen, stolen or misplaced. Certified mobile phones are safe, reliable, do not cause health problems and do not interfere with the operation of telecommunications networks. The Agency`s regulations lay down obligations for both providers and users. Suppliers may activate mobile phones only with a certification issued or accepted by Anatel (Article 10(V) of Decision No 477/2007l). And users can only connect to the mobile operator`s network equipment with a certification issued or accepted by Anatel, while remaining within the technical specifications for which they have been certified (Article 4(V) of Decision No 632/2014). The obligation to use a user-certified device also applies to the Specialized Mobile Service (SME). However, currently, the project focuses only on personal mobile service (PMS) devices – mobile phones. To access this tool, you can select one of the following options: How do I block a new phone that doesn`t have a carrier chip installed? ARCOTEL, the agency that regulates and controls telecommunications in the country, has a tool on its website that allows us to check the status of a mobile phone, regardless of the operator to which it is connected. 1. Via the link www.arcotel.gob.ec/homologacion to the option „YOUR LEGAL PHONE”.

2. Directly via the link tucelularlegal.arcotel.gob.ec Eh unlock 2 phones NO PROBLEM! Excellent communication and quick response give!.