Legal Citation Apa Format

Reference List Format 2 (with information on public law and/or laws in general): State laws and statutes are cited in a format similar to federal laws whenever possible. „U.S.C.” is replaced by an abbreviation for the code of that state, and the headings and sections are presented in the same manner. However, some state codes use item or chapter numbers instead of or in addition to section numbers, or do not use titles. If the name of the law is not available, some authors insert the legal citation only in parentheses of the text – for example (18 U.S.C. § 2258) – but exclude the source of the bibliography. The APA prefers to identify the name of the law and, if possible, include an entry in the reference list. An uncodified law (published in the United States Code) must be cited using its public law number and information about where it was published. Reference list Format 1 (name of the law only with citation of the American code): If an act is codified in different non-consecutive sections of the Code, it is also cited using the public law number and information about its position in laws in general. **Reference (for reference list) APA citation template: Title [if applicable], invoice number, xxx leg. (year). URL Your instructor may ask you to amend certain APA rules to meet Canadian legal citation standards. Reference (for reference list) Citation with * Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide): Most legal documents are cited in the Bluebook style, the legal citation style common to all disciplines (see Bluebook style in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 2015).

The APA departs from the bluebook style for legal documents and uses these templates and templates in bibliographies. This resource lists some of the common legal references that ABS users need to do their jobs, but is not exhaustive. Please note that legal conventions outside the United States may differ. The APA prefers that the law be identified by name and, if possible, included in the reference list. The APA has information on how to search for the name of a law. In the APA Publication Manual, 7th ed. it states: „Existing legal references are usually already written in the legal style and require only a few changes for the entry in the APA-style reference list” (2019, p. 355). However, the APA Publication Manual, 7th edition, uses American legal citation styles, including the Bluebook, as a basis. *Note: APA Publication Manual 7th ed. italics does not italicize the title of the law in the citation in the text (in parentheses). Your instructor may ask you to modify this APA rule in accordance with the example in the McGill Guide, where the title of the citation law in the text is italicized.

Reference (for reference list) APA Citation: Name by name, tape source page (hearing date). Some changes to the style of APA-7e to reflect the McGill Guide and Canadian legal citation practices have been listed below as exceptions to the APA rules. These examples include explanations. Contact your instructor for their preferences. **Note—APA Publication Manual 7th ed. contains only examples based on the legislative branches of the United States, the House of Representatives (H.R.) and the Senate (S.), both of which must be included in the reference citation for a U.S. bill. The following model has been modified for a Canadian context. Format 1 – State Code: (generally preferred format, specifying certain sections in one of the California codes) Citation (in law, this means the volume and page in journalists or books where case decisions are published) If you have a quote in the text that includes a direct quote: The citations in the text are formatted in the same way as the above court decisions (name of the law, year). The years can be confusing because laws are often passed in a different year than the one they are published; You should always use the year of publication of the law in the compilation you are considering. If no official name of the law is available (for example, there is only one U.S.

code citation), some authors only insert the legal citation into the text, for example, 18 U.S.C. § 2258, and exclude it from the bibliography. These documents include rules, regulations, decrees and expert opinions. Their citation patterns in the text follow typical APA patterns: (first item of reference list entry, year) without italics. Other legislative documents such as witness statements, hearings, non-legal bills and related documents may also be cited. Your reference list templates (below) may include a URL if available, but the URL is optional. The quotations in the text follow the same patterns as court decisions and cases. (Canada Post v.

Lepine, 2009) [Indicate the name of the case and the year of the decision. The case name or case style is italicized for citations in the text. See APA Publication Manual 7th ed.,11.4, Note, p. 358] No, specifying a URL is optional in APA Style reference entries for law sources (e.g., court proceedings, laws). It may be useful to do this to help the reader retrieve the source, but it is not necessary because the other information contained should be enough to find it. *The McGill Guide is the standard Canadian citation style and, unlike the APA 7th style, uses italics for case names in the reference citation. The above example combines both APA for an online source and McGill Guide for case names in italics. For a complete example of a reference citation from the McGill Guide for Online Database Services cases, see Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Reference, 9th Edition, 3.8, p. E46–E48. Contact your instructor for preferred use. APA citation in text (in parentheses): (Name v Name, year, page or paragraph number, if required.) The APA-style blog emphasizes italicizing the case name for the citation in the text. The primary source of Canadian legal citations is the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (also known as the McGill Guide).

The Camosun Library has the 9th edition, 2018. Phone: KE 259 C36 2018 at the Lansdowne Research Help Desk. If you cite a legal source and there is no corresponding rule in the APA Handbook, you should consult the McGill Guide. The examples in the McGill Guide are highlighted in yellow. For more information on the citation style of the McGill Guide, see the Camosun McGill Legal Citation Guide. The 6. The American Psychological Association Publication Manual (2010) describes the citation style of legal documents in the appendix to Chapter 7 (pp. 216 – 224). For court decisions, laws, codes and other legal publications, the APA uses the formats described in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Below are suggested formats for common types of legal publications (California and state sources). You should check the Blue Book for state laws, as some states use chapter or article numbers instead of sections.

Similarly, the Blue Book contains all the necessary abbreviations and symbols. Some federal laws may include public numbers that you can use in the reference list entry instead of USC publication information. Quotations in parentheses and narrative citations in the text are formatted in the same way as any other source (first item in the reference list entry, year), although, unlike other sources, court decisions and cases italicize the title in the citation in the text. For example (Brown v. Board of Education, 1954). *Citation in text (in parentheses): (Title of Act, year.) [Court and date information is included in the neutral quote, so you do not add/duplicate this information at the end of your quote – unlike the example quote below] However, if the law is spread across different sections of the Code or not at all, provide the public law number in addition to information about the source where you accessed the law, for example: A statute may also have a public law number. This is not used in the citation, except in special cases: if the law is not (yet) included in the United States Code or if it is spread over non-consecutive parts of the code. You don`t need to create a citation for entire federal or state constitutions. It is enough to refer to them by their name in the text. When citing specific articles and edits, create reference list entries and citations in the text as usual.