Verdict Meaning in Terms of Law

In law, a verdict is the formal finding of fact made by a jury on matters submitted to the jury by a judge. [1] In a trial in a formation of judgment, the judge`s decision towards the end of the trial is simply called a conclusion. [2] In England and Wales, a coroner`s findings were formerly called judgments, but since 2009 they have been called findings (see Coroner § Conclusions (formerly known as judgments)). A partial verdict in a criminal case is a verdict by which the jury acquits the defendant of part of the charge against him and finds him guilty of arrears: Examples of this type of verdict include: if they acquit the accused of one count and find him guilty of another, which is, in fact, a kind of general penalty, since he is usually acquitted of one count and generally convicted of another; If the charge includes a higher and lower offence, the jury may convict the less cruel by rendering a partial verdict. Thus, on charges of burglary, the accused may be convicted of theft and acquitted of entering the night; If charged with murder, he can be convicted of manslaughter; Robbery can be transformed into a single flight; a battery, in a common attack. n. a jury`s decision after a trial, which must be accepted by the trial judge to be final. A verdict of a judge sitting without a jury is not a verdict. A „special judgment” is a decision by the jury on the factual issues of the case, leaving the application of the law to those facts to the judge who makes the final judgment. A „judged verdict” is a decision that follows a judge`s instruction that the jury can only reach a specific verdict („based on the evidence, you must make a verdict of „not guilty”). A „random verdict” (decided by lot or lot), a „compromise verdict” (based on some jurors voting against their beliefs to break an impasse) and a „quotient verdict” (on average, the amount each juror wants to award) are all inappropriate and result in a trial error (the verdict is overturned by the judge) or a reason to overturn the verdict on appeal.

Change (partly in accordance with medieval Latin veredictum) from Anglo-French veirdit statement, statement, judgment, from Old French veir true (from Latin verus) + dit say, from Latin dictum A general judgment is the most common form of judgment. It is a global decision on an issue. In civil cases, the jury decides in favor of the plaintiff or defendant and determines the liability and amount of damages. In criminal cases, the jury decides „guilty” or „not guilty” on the basis of the charge against the accused. In cases involving a serious crime, the verdict must be unanimous. However, in minor criminal cases, some states allow either a majority or a 10-2 vote. In civil matters, many States have moved away from the requirement of unanimity and now allow votes of 10 to 2. In American legal nomenclature, the verdict is the jury`s decision on the questions of fact before it. As soon as the court (judge) receives the verdict, the judge falls into the judgment. The judgment of the court is the final decision on the merits.

If the accused is found guilty, he can challenge the case in the local court of appeal. Note: A guilty verdict for a less serious crime must be supported by evidence. The term „verdict”, from the Latin veredictum, literally means „to tell the truth” and derives from Middle English verdit, from Anglo-Norman: a combination of worm („true”, from Latin vērus) and said („language”, from Latin dictum, the neuter past participle of dīcere, to say). In criminal proceedings in the United States, once the prosecution has closed its case, the defendant may seek an ordered verdict. [4] In the case of a verdict, the verdict is „not guilty”. [4] The prosecution can never seek a finding of guilt because the defendant has the constitutional right to present a defence and rebut the prosecution`s case and to ask a jury to decide his guilt or innocence (if an accused has waived his right to a jury trial and allowed the judge to render his verdict, this remains true). In a jury trial, a judgment is an order of the presiding judge who presides over the jury to make a particular verdict. Generally, the judge orders a directed verdict after determining that no reasonable jury could make a contrary decision. After a verdict, the jury no longer needs to decide on the case. A general verdict is a verdict in which the jury makes a complete statement and a single conclusion on all matters before it. First, the jury finds the facts proven by the evidence, then it applies the law according to the instructions of the court and finally renders a verdict in a conclusion that settles the case.

Such a verdict is reported as follows: A compromise judgment is a „judgment obtained solely by the submission of conscientious beliefs on an important issue by some jurors in exchange for a waiver by others of their similar opinion on another matter, and the result is a judgment that does not require the consent of the entire committee,” and is not admissible as such. [3] JUDGMENT, Practice. A jury`s unanimous decision reported to the court on matters lawfully referred to it during the hearing of a case.