Something That Has No Legal Force or Validity

In practice, null is generally used as opposed to „voidable” and „unenforceable”, the main difference being that a questionable act remains valid until it is avoided. Below are possible answers to the No Legal Force crossword hint. If you still haven`t solved the crossword puzzle because you don`t have legal force, search our database for the letters you already have! The term is often used as opposed to the terms „objectionable” and „unenforceable”. This means that there is no legal obligation, so there will be no breach of contract because the contract is void. In law, null and void means no legal effect. A null act, document or transaction has no legal effect: absolute nullity – the law treats it as if it had never existed or had never taken place. The term void ab initio, meaning „to be treated as disabled from the beginning,” comes from the addition of the Latin phrase ab initio (from the beginning) as a qualifier. For example, in many countries where a person signs a contract under duress, the contract is considered void from the outset. The common „null and void” combination is a legal duplicate.

Empty. Zero; unfit; worthless; have no legal force or binding effect; is not legally able to support the objective for which it was intended. The dictionary defines void ab initio further as:[citation needed] void ab initio. A contract is void a priori if, unlike a contract which is voidable only at the choice of one of the contracting parties, it is seriously contrary to the law or public order. The importance usually lies in the possibility that the rights of third parties are acquired in good faith. For example, in Cundy v Lindsay (1878), a fraudster named Blenkarn posed as a retailer and arranged for Lindsay & Co to deliver 250 dozen linen handkerchiefs to him. Blenkarn then sold the tissues to an innocent third party, Cundy, but Lindsay was never paid. Lindsay, who claimed ownership of the tissues, sued Cundy for their restitution. If the purchase agreement with Blenkarn is declared voidable for fraud, Lindsay & Co will only have recourse against insolvent Blenkarn. However, if (as decided) the contract of sale was void from the start, then title did not pass from Lindsay to Blenkarn at all, and Lindsay could recover Cundy`s handkerchiefs as her property. Cundy remained only one claim against the insolvent Blenkarn. However, the right to cancel a cancellable transaction may be lost (usually due to a delay).

These are sometimes referred to as „barriers to withdrawal.” These considerations do not apply to matters that are absolutely void or void ab initio. In any case, third parties who are parties in bad faith to void or voidable contracts are not only affected by the nullity, but may also be held liable for statutory damages.