Is Delta 8 Legal in Kentucky December 2021

In April 2021, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture`s legal team issued a memo stating that delta-8 is banned in the state and considers it a controlled substance, sparking outrage from delta-8 sellers operating within its borders. Several Delta 8 vendors also faced police raids, leading the Kentucky Hemp Association to sue the state and seek an injunction to prevent further raids. A judge issued the injunction and delta-8 remains temporarily legal in Kentucky. Subsequent laws (Senate Bill 170) banning Delta-8 in the state failed. In April 2021, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture issued a letter stating that „delta-8 is a Schedule I controlled substance under federal and Kentucky law.” The letter argues that because the state`s Controlled Substances Act does not provide exemptions for delta-8, it is therefore a prohibited substance. In addition, Kentucky adults can also enjoy some of the other psychoactive cannabinoids. Those like HHC and Delta 9 THC for sale can be purchased online as long as the products meet the legal limits. THC laws in the state have changed, so some coins are given the term „Delta 9 Kentucky” for favorable laws. Hemp lovers enjoy the euphoric effects of THC, but let`s dive in and see what state laws say specifically about Delta-8! Yes, Delta-10 is temporarily legal in Kentucky, which means that the use, possession, sale, distribution, production, and manufacture of Delta-8 products is permitted by state law. Other intoxicating THC isomers such as THC-O and HHC are also legal. You can find Delta-8 and other THC isomer products online and in physical retail stores across the state. That same month, however, Kentucky lawmakers introduced Senate Bill 170. This bill sought to ban delta-8, delta-10 and other intoxicating compounds from hemp.

It passed the Senate, but it essentially died during the House committee study. No. CBD derived from marijuana is not legal in Kentucky. The state does not authorize the use, possession, sale, distribution, production or manufacture of marijuana products. 5. `industrial hemp` means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including its seeds and all its derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a concentration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol not exceeding three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) of dry weight; Under state hemp laws, legal hemp products can be sold in the state as long as they are made in accordance with the state`s hemp plan. However, Delta-8 is considered a controlled substance and therefore the sale of Delta-8 is prohibited in Kentucky. The state Ministry of Health issued a letter in April 2021 effectively banning Delta-8, which led to subsequent police raids on Delta-8 suppliers. Hemp-derived delta-8 is legal in Kentucky, as long as it comes from hemp plants that contain no more than 0.3% THC by dry weight. Marijuana-derived delta-8 containing more than 0.3% THC is illegal. No.

Recreational marijuana is not legal in Kentucky under state law. The use and possession of cannabis is subject to severe penalties. Currently, Delta-8 is legal in Kentucky. However, this has been debated in a lengthy court battle. At Vida Optima, our Delta-8-THC products meet all the parameters of the Hemp Cultivation Act of 2018, so they can be legally purchased online in any state where Delta-8 is legal. After an eventful but ominous start to the year, delta-8 is legal again in Kentucky after a lawsuit filed by the Kentucky Hemp Association and a subsequent injunction. State lawmakers have been trying to pass laws that could permanently ban delta-8 and other THC isomers. This law died in committee and was not passed. In 2018, the federal government amended and signed the Farm Bill.

The Farm Bill legalized hemp and hemp-derived cannabinoids (including delta-8), terpenes, derivatives, isomers, and salts in the United States. The bill also removed hemp from the federal Controlled Substances Act. Kentucky then aligned its hemp laws with the Farm Bill after the passage of House Bill 197 the same year. Kentucky quickly seized the opportunity to legalize hemp and CBD after the Farm Bill became federal law in 2018. The state has legalized hemp, which it defines according to the federal definition. It also legalized all hemp products „made from or from the processing of industrial hemp… Meanwhile, state lawmakers have been trying to pass laws banning delta-8 and other THC isomers. The legislation died in March 2022.