Es Legal Tener Un Erizo De Mascota En Mexico

This happens with people who had hedgehogs before an ordinance came into effect, or who adopted them before they knew the law. In these cases, they had to declare their possession in order for the hedgehog to be documented. In these cases, the animals must be sterilized so that they do not reproduce and must always be identified at all veterinary visits. In addition, owners must sign a responsible declaration stating that they will not release, trade, breed or transfer these animals, as they are responsible to the maximum for these actions. The Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species includes two species of hedgehogs, the African (or white-bellied) dwarf hedgehog and the Egyptian hedgehog (or long-eared hedgehog). It is forbidden to adopt these two species (and their subspecies) in Spain. Hedgehog owners need to know a veterinary clinic that has a technician or exotic animal specialist for the care of this species. Thus, they can consult all their doubts and receive personalized advice on the particular needs of their pet. Remember that living with a hedgehog is much more than having him by your side. They need to think about food, space to move around, the light they need, their construction, the customs to respect. Each animal has specific needs and we should not limit ourselves to thinking about the most basic. But you need to be well informed, and you also need to do it about the legal situation.

When it comes to exotic animals, there are different regulations that establish their legality when owned or bred. Hedgehogs are not pets, they are wild animals that have specific needs, which is why sometimes the human home is not always the best option. A hedgehog as a pet? Just like moths go to the fire when we see one of those beard balls, we want to stroke and cuddle it. What for? Maybe it`s because of that little face of the good guys they have and those mini-legs! In summary, it is forbidden in Spain to keep hedgehogs of these species: hedgehogs are small mammals of the family Erinaceinae and the order Eulipotyphla. They live in Africa, Europe and Asia, although they have also been introduced to other areas where they are not native, such as New Zealand. And you should also take into account the regulations of other countries before bringing an animal of an exotic species here. Huff, the vampire gel, is a grumpy but very cute hedgehog who revolutionizes social media for something very special. Want to know what? There are many national and international regulations, catalogues and conventions that must be consulted to ensure that owning a particular animal is legal or not. Whitelisting would not only facilitate this, but would also help prevent animal abandonment and illegal trade. Although they look like adorable exotic animals, before adopting one, we need to know if it is legal to have a hedgehog in Spain. Do we see it? After the case of the tiger, which runs like nothing else in a shopping center in Polanco, it`s time to ask yourself: Can you have exotic pets as pets? Is it possible to buy protected species in Mexico? Animals considered protected under the General Wildlife Act cannot be bought, sold, purchased for business or as pets under guidelines.

These can only be legally acquired from hatcheries and zoos (public or private) for conservation and care purposes with the assistance of federal authorities. The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) has specific rules so that you can have an exotic animal as a pet. Many people have a hedgehog as a pet, be prepared to take care of them with the exotic animal technician course. Specialize in spiked balls! In all these categories, no animal is legal or illegal. As movable property, their production, purchase, sale, consumption and other activities directly related to trade are illegal. The hedgehog is a small mammal of the family Erinaceinae. Currently, there are 16 species, divided into five genera, which are distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa. These animals have become extremely popular as pets in recent years, but we should know that they are nocturnal animals that feed mainly on insects. First, no animal is illegal. These are movable property according to Mexican regulations, so they can be acquired through buying and selling processes according to the commercial and market laws of each country.

In the case of Mexico, they are regulated by PROFEPA and SEMARNAT. You should also know that hedgehogs are solitary, but they have a good character. Although they do not live in groups, they are generally not particularly aggressive towards other animals or humans. What can aggravate his character is having to live in small spaces that restrict his movements. If we now focus on the legal field, we must bear in mind that the Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species contains species that we should not adopt or introduce into the country or that may cause problems in the animal population. According to Semarnat, procedure 08-056, which you can consult here, is used to obtain authorization to keep exotic specimens as pets or pets. Documentation proving the legal origin of the specimens to be registered, indicating the system of the mark (invoices, sales receipts, user permits, residence permits, import permits or permits) The current regulations are explained above, and yet there are people who live with a hedgehog as a pet in their home. You may know someone who keeps a hedgehog at home.

This small mammal with short legs and adorable face became fashionable among exotic animal lovers a few years ago, but it is not so easy to have it as a pet. There is no list of legal exotic animals in Spain. Many animal owners and associations have been calling for years for a catalogue of this type, called „White List”. Species that are not on this list would be banned altogether. Different animals are becoming more and more fashionable as pets. No more having just a cat or a dog, and today we see a lot of people who have ferrets, snakes or others as pets. Many people wonder, for example, if you can have a hedgehog as a pet. Have you thought about adopting one? In general, wildlife cannot be adopted in our country. The animals we encounter in the bush could have diseases like rabies.

In addition, they are not domesticated, so living in captivity could affect them too much. In addition, there are regulations that do not allow the adoption of wild species due to their lack of freedom and to prevent the spread of diseases in humans. However, there is no official list on which exotic species are legal as pets in Spain. a) Current official identity document for individuals and legal representatives (INE eligibility to vote, passport, professional card or military service card)* Although they can get used to the presence of humans, most hedgehogs are not sociable pets, in some cases these animals are afraid of humans. You should be aware of these points before adopting a hedgehog, as the release rates of these animals are particularly high and can be avoided through responsible adoption and ownership. We begin by pointing out that the hedgehog is not a pet because, unlike the dog or cat, it has not lived closely with humans. This leads to the fact that their possession in a domestic environment is incompatible with the needs and behaviors of the species, for example, when searching for insects. However, many people choose to keep exotic animals as pets. But is it legal to have a hedgehog in Spain? Although, of course, like all pets, this one has its pros and cons.